Sound Healing Therapy is used in many forms -- voice,
chimes, harps, wind harps, drums, gongs, tuning forks, quartz crystal bowls,
and nature sounds such as running water and the power of the ocean.
All these sounds have great vibratory effect on our cellular
and neurological systems via our chakras, emotions and endorphins. Just
as standing behind a gong that is being played resonates throughout the entire
body, so listening to a wind harp can take over the entire mind.
The symphonies of Hayden and Mozart have
helped and cured people who suffer with tinnitus or ringing of the ears.
Listening to Mozart helps reduce stress and clear the mind. It has been said
that it aids in developing the mind.
In his groundbreaking work, The Lost Chord, sound-healing
pioneer Jonathan Goldman shares his incredible discovery of a
universal sound which, when intoned, can bring harmony and healing to ourselves
and the planet. This name, encoded within our DNA, is the personal name of God,
once found in the religious texts that link over half the world's
population. Prohibited and then lost for nearly 2,500 years, The Divine
Name is available once again, with the ability to resonate both the physical
body and the subtle energy fields of anyone --irrespective of religion,
tradition, or belief.
Emoto of Japan demonstrated that water molecules are actually affected
by sound and our intention -- our thoughts and feelings, the energy behind the
sounds we create.
Emoto found that clean water looks like a snowflake—very
geometric. Polluted water looks like mud. After a priest has chanted over this
polluted water, it is photographed again; this time, the water looks like a
A video currently available on YouTube shows Zhi Neng
Qi Gong healers working with energy and sound to de-manifest a bladder
tumor in 90 seconds. Via ultrasound, the tumor can be seen collapsing into
cloudy slush. There is no question that sound can alter molecular
In the 1960s, medical doctor Hans Jenny conducted
experiments revealing that sound actually creates form in various substances
such as plastics, liquids and water. He would place these substances on a steel
plate and then, using a crystal oscillator, vibrate these plates with sound.
The various substances took on organic-looking shapes—they look like
microscopic organisms or underwater life. Quite astounding. He called this work