Future Predictions

As the Mayan calendar has come to an end,  we are moving into a new paradigm, a new rising consciousness.

People are becoming more aware of their intuition, natural healing, energies, the laws of attraction.

We will not need to speak to someone to ask how they are doing, we will be able to read their energy field and it will be revealed.

Our bodies are more sensitized with changes to our energy centers and our pituitary (master gland) and the pineal gland.

In the Universal  year of 2012, a 5 vibration expresses travel, speed, change, communications, events happening fast, our world is accelerating. Our consciousness is rising.

World governments are loosing ground. Economies are collapsing. We have seen the ʻArab springʼ take place where these nations have been controlled by dictators and have fallen.

There appears to be a new kind of order on the horizon. We have always dealt with the positive and negative forces. In some cases World situations will become surreal . What appears to be, is not so! There are forces that will be revealed to us that make themselves important, taking charge.

*We are having to reinvent ourselves ...for what once worked for us is no longer.  People need to think for themselves, be the master of their own fate.

Humanity is receiving more knowledge and wisdom from the etheric planes, alien realms and the ancients. We are experiencing a closer connection to The Angelic realms and the Divine.
Our earth is fragile in a sense with shifting of energy grids. Weather patterns are being controlled or manipulated.

Our financial economies world-wide have been greatly manipulated creating financial losses. World Financial Crisis brings new currencies . Leaving investment monies in land is more secure than leaving money in banks.

More information coming from Atlantis. I believe we will see lands rising where Atlantis stood. 

Our bodies are more sensitized with changes to our energy centers as we as our pituitary and pineal glands.  

Countries in the European Union who have lost their financial economies, will drop out of the union. There will be new currency replacing the old.