I provide individual readings, with optional sound healing, group
readings incorporating sound with clairvoyance. I also provide workshops such
as "The Power of Awareness Through Intuition" and "Soul Sound
Sound Healing
Sound Healing
Music is Divine! Sound, Vibration moves molecules, cells, blood circulation. Sound affects cell
receptors. The vibration of sound can disable negative cells. In my sessions of
creating a healing environment which includes sound, intent, medical intuition
and emotional healing. Music affects our DNA.
Science has found that each human cell has its own
frequency. Combining sound with intention has been known to reduce stress
hormones and raise levels of disease-fighting immune cells. “A study through
university students were told to imagine an antibody production while listening
to improvised music. Mark Rider, Phd. found production of slgA (secretory
immunoglobulin A) significantly higher.” Both Doctors Rider and Achterberg
carried out another “study with two groups to visualize the activity of two key
classes of disease-fighting white blood cells, neutrophils and lymphocytes.
“They ” found the blood cell (type) which was focused on changed significantly
for both groups,indicating that an immediate biological effect was able to be
communicated to the immune system.”
I am now conducting Sound Healing Sessions in person /
phone. These sessions assist people with health, emotional states,
clearing of energies, direction, intent and finding oneʼs self.
Clairvoyant Reading Style
In my intuitive guidance sessions I use clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, numerology, psychometry, auric fields, and mediumship to channel information from spirit to my client. I work in these areas in person or by phone. There is much wisdom that comes from dream interpretation or dream analogy.
Clairvoyant Reading Style
In my intuitive guidance sessions I use clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, numerology, psychometry, auric fields, and mediumship to channel information from spirit to my client. I work in these areas in person or by phone. There is much wisdom that comes from dream interpretation or dream analogy.
My sessions begin with the client's birth date using their numbers to give information of birth or life path, which is their path/direction of this particular incarnation. A person's numerology shows qualities, abilities, talents, personality traits and much more. The cycle of year indicates if the client is in a year of reaping, harvesting, completions or seeding. We work through 9 year cycles and then we start over again. Numbers or numerology is a divine science, which comes from ancient study of the mystical Hebrew book of the 'Kabbalah' and Chinese Feng Shui. Numbers have vibration and energy. There is great in depth knowledge the ancients have imparted unto us.
Auric Energy Fields
Auric Energy Fields
I receive information via my client through their auric energy field. The aura enables me to intuit the client, their spouse, family and agendas. This aids me with coaching in relationship interactions. The client’s energy shows their psychology in relationships, marriage, family dynamics as well as work, career and business interactions. Often I describe people or energies that are in the subject’s aura and how they are positioned in my client’s energy, which has a meaning or a message. I do share about relationships that are former, or now existing and in the future.
Business Consulting
Business Consulting
Over the years, I have consulted for numerous businesses, giving intuitive guidance and details along with creative solutions. I communicate with regards to the political aspects of the company, the different corporate personalities, divisions and dynamics affecting its structure. I try to be mindful of the world’s political and economic situations and how they are affecting us in our financial sectors and decisions.
Feeding Your Soul
Feeding Your Soul
In my sessions, I want to assist my client to their highest potential in aiding them with guidance, spiritual understanding and growth and ‘what feeds their soul’. I want to inspire and empower my client and help them find what their soul’s direction.
The term clairvoyance (from French clair meaning "clear" and voyance meaning "vision") is used to refer to the ability to gain information about an object, person, location or physical event through means other than the known human senses, a form of extra-sensory perception. A person said to have the ability of clairvoyance is referred to as a clairvoyant ("one who sees clearly").
(from Greek: "spirit, soul"; metron, "measure"), also known as token-object reading, or psychoscopy, is a form of extra-sensory perception characterized by the claimed ability to make relevant associations from an object of unknown history by making physical contact with that object. Supporters assert that an object may have an energy field that transfers knowledge regarding that object's history.
Psychometry is commonly offered at psychic fairs as a type of psychic reading. At New Age events psychometry has claimed to help visitors "meet the dearly departed" (a form of spiritualism).
The Past is entombed in the Present! The world is its own enduring monument; and that which is true of its physical, is likewise true of its mental career. The discoveries of Psychometry will enable us to explore the history of man, as those of geology enable us to explore the history of the earth. There are mental fossils for psychologists as well as mineral fossils for the geologists; and I believe that hereafter the psychologist and the geologist will go hand in hand — the one portraying the earth, its animals and its vegetation, while the other portrays the human beings who have roamed over its surface in the shadows, and the darkness of primeval barbarism! Aye, the mental telescope is now discovered which may pierce the depths of the past and bring us in full view of the grand and tragic passages of ancient history!
Clairsentience is one of the most interesting aspects of the
psychic world. This ability covers a number of things such as the ability to
read people and their physical state.
Through your search of many sites on the web you may come across the term clairsentience. What is clairsentience? By many it is considered a form of impressional mediumship. It is a form of telling the physical makeup, health condition, personality and the character traits of a spirit entity while it was on the earth. Some consider it to be a feeling or sense that the medium or séance group experience. Having a tingling sensation on the skin, face, or hands, or having the hair on the back of your neck stand up is one type of clairsentience. These all relate to ghosts or spirits of the dead.
Through your search of many sites on the web you may come across the term clairsentience. What is clairsentience? By many it is considered a form of impressional mediumship. It is a form of telling the physical makeup, health condition, personality and the character traits of a spirit entity while it was on the earth. Some consider it to be a feeling or sense that the medium or séance group experience. Having a tingling sensation on the skin, face, or hands, or having the hair on the back of your neck stand up is one type of clairsentience. These all relate to ghosts or spirits of the dead.
Furthermore, some people believe clairsentience is just a
general ability to sense spirits or auras belonging to any person alive or
dead. Spirits can be light or heavy, gentle or angry, good or bad. Information
about spirits can be uncovered through colors, lightness and darkness, or
emotions such as joy or sadness. This ability is essential for healers and
counselors, therapists, and anyone who works with people, especially the
psychics and spiritual advisor.
It is said that we are all born with a psychic ability. Through our experiences we build up walls against the world and lose our ability to use our special sense of other's spirits and get out of touch with our own. Our consciousness loses the ability to control its spirit power. Later, we can restore this ability through life-altering experiences or through development of our spiritual powers.
This power of what is clairsentience is manifested in two different ways: sense extension and sense projection. A psychic child, for example may "hear" his mother while she is visiting with a neighbor or a psychic person might just know about someone hiding where they can't see them, but they just have a paranormal sense that they are there. This is often confused with ESP, but this sixth sense uses the faculties of the other five senses to process the psychic information they receive.
Sense extension consists of the ability to extend ones' senses a short distance from one's body. With this practice, only barriers such as his or her skill at sensing limit the psychic, distance does not affect the ability at all in many cases. The senses of touch, hearing, smell, taste, and sight are used in sense extension.
Sense projection is the ability to project the senses very far away from the psychic’s body. To do this the psychic must be very familiar with a certain location or know that person or object very well. Once the senses of a psychic are projected to a certain location, she can sense things as if she or he were actually at the location. With practice comes a higher degree of success and clarity of sensation and control over the sensations.
This projection of the senses or feeling of other people's energies can be an amazing power to have. A warning to those attempting to use these powers: they can be a force for good and a force for bad. If you should find that you have such powers, remember as quoted from Spiderman, "Great power comes with great responsibility.
Mediumship is defined as the practice of certain people—known as mediums—to mediate communication between spirits of the dead and other human beings. Our loved ones who are around us from the other side see our concerns. They are in spirit and come sometimes to guide and aid us, passing messages on to us intuitively or through our sleep or dream states. They see our concerns and can come to warn us about situations that we need to be vigilant. Sometimes, we wonder where a thought or an idea came from. I pick up on love ones in spirit in the aura during a reading. While no evidence has been accepted by the wider scientific community in support of the view that there has been communication between the living and the dead, some parapsychologists say that some of their research suggests that such communication may have taken place. The practice is associated with several religious belief systems such as Spiritualism, Spiritism, Espiritismo, Candomblé, Voodoo, Umbanda and some New Age groups.
There are several different variants of mediumship; the best known forms are where a spirit takes control of a medium's voice and uses it to relay a message, or where the medium simply 'hears' the message and passes it on. Other forms involve manifestations of the spirit, such as apparitions or the presence of a voice, and telekinetic activity.
Attempts to contact the dead date back to early human history, with mediumship gaining in popularity during the 19th century. Investigations during this period revealed widespread fraud—with some practitioners employing techniques used by stage magicians—and the practice started to lose credibility. Nevertheless the practice still continues to this day, and high profile fraud has been uncovered as recently as the 2000s.
In recent years scientific research has been undertaken to ascertain the
validity of claims of mediumship. In an experiment undertaken by the British
Psychological Society, the conclusion was that the test subjects demonstrated
no mediumistic ability. Other experiments which have seemingly found evidence
of paranormal activity have been criticised for not establishing thorough test
conditions. An experiment considered by parapsychologists to be one of the most
compelling involved taking electroencephalography readings of twelve test
subjects, most of which were found to have abnormal readings, with some
readings bearing similarities to those found in epileptics even though the
subjects had never experienced fits and had no family history of epilepsy.
While mediumistic ability is neither confirmed or denied by unusual brain
activity, the findings of the experiment was that parapsychological phenomena
are at least partly a function of the brain.